bonnymaison's Profile

User Name: bonnymaison
First Name: Bonny
Gender: Female
Location: United States
About Me
Hi, my name is Bonny and I'm a huge fan of online shopping. I also like to meet new people and making friends is my hobby.

My Reviews

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Rating: 5
10/26/2017 7:25:55 AM

AmeriMark always inspires me with their unique and amazing apparel, shoes and cosmetics products. Adorable and fabulous designs to shop. It was my Wonderful experience to have products from AmeriMark. Thank you.
Rating: 5
10/26/2017 6:58:29 AM

Everyone wants to look good with beautiful eyelashes. That is why I started using VegaLASH products and found them an amazing as they really work and give 100% results as described in the description. Also, got free shipping on my order by using above coupon code.
Light In The Box
   Light In The Box
Rating: 4
6/8/2016 7:16:43 AM

Their countless products availability really involved me, I couldn't figure out what to buy because every product that I saw at their store I thought it should be in my wardrobe. I purchased summer outfits from them at a really cheap price through Light In the Box coupon.
Rating: 5
8/5/2015 12:51:57 PM

Thumbs up to their marvelous service quality and the best thing is that I get full satisfaction when I order their service regardless of which kind of service it is.
Rating: 5
9/2/2014 10:40:08 AM

I like their stylish handbags. These handbags are available in variety of colors and trendy designs. Thanks to their coupon codes which help me in buying these products at discounted prices.

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