krisguertner's Profile

User Name: krisguertner
First Name: Kris
Gender: Male
Location: United States
About Me
simple! hahaha

sometimes naughty hahaha !

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My Reviews

Stores:   (View All)
Rating: 5
8/15/2016 6:38:46 AM

Every time when I need to update my system, I go for HP brand. They have outstanding quality laptops for professionals. I've recently ordered the latest laptop model and got a good discount on my purchase through HP coupon code.
Rating: 5
5/6/2016 7:17:31 AM

When I visited this store I was just astonished to see their products. I felt like this store is purely made for me, though... I got all my desired products from it and thanks to you guys you made my shopping little bit profitable by giving me Mankind coupon code.
Microsoft Store
   Microsoft Store
Rating: 5
5/5/2016 1:06:25 PM

Quality stuff and really inexpensive! Very handy to pick up things after work! I would appreciate Microsoft Store because they are really offering great quality and original products at reasonable prices which is the best thing for a businessman.
JR Cigars
   JR Cigars
Rating: 5
4/27/2016 6:16:52 AM

JR Cigar made my way plain because whenever I needed Cigar I had to find it more than one places and that was so tough work for me. I always take benefit from their weekly specials likewise today I saved $10 through the JR Cigar coupon mentioned above. Thanks folks!
Rating: 4
4/20/2016 12:08:45 PM

I just love their cars especially the dream collection. My uncle often gets a rental car from Hertz whenever he wants to go for a long journey and I always force him to pick the car from Hertz Dream Collection.

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