lisa24's Profile

User Name: lisa24
First Name: Lisa
Gender: Female
About Me
I am an under grad business student. I love my friends and family. Hanging out all night with friends on weekend is my favorite hobby. Eating, drinking and shopping are some of the things we do.

My Reviews

Stores:   (View All)
Rating: 5
11/6/2017 9:35:15 AM

Serengeti’s Dresses & sets department is superb. I made a purchase of some dresses for me and my friend from there. The best collection I have ever seen and rates are more than amazing. The best thing was Serengeti coupons by which I got the good discount on my order.
Sports Memorabilia
   Sports Memorabilia
Rating: 5
1/16/2017 8:38:42 AM

My younger brother is just crazy about MLB and NBA, and he has a great liking for memorabilia. I was looking for My brother's favorite player's autographed items and finally got Signed Kris Bryant Jersey. I used Sports Memorabilia coupon and saved $10 on my order while I also got free shipping coupon and saved shipping charges.
Rating: 5
1/5/2017 7:04:49 AM

I never trust on any other antivirus than AVG antivirus because this software is fully compatible with my laptop and it never slows down my system. Whenever I start browsing, AVG antivirus protects my system from harmful links, and I really love this feature. I purchased AVG Internet Security and got 20% off on my order by using AVG coupon code.
The Childrens Place
   The Childrens Place
Rating: 5
12/21/2016 11:50:14 AM

I've recently saved $20 on my order by using The Children's Place coupon code. I love their kid's clothing collection and the price range. I purchased a long sleeve solid lightweight puffer jacket from them and saved extra dollars on my purchase.
Juice Beauty
   Juice Beauty
Rating: 5
10/31/2016 1:04:37 PM

I just love their brighteners and moisturizers collection. I've been looking for great quality face care products and finally found a place from where I got my desired ones at affordable rates. Also want to say thanks to you for coupons.

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