elizibathrose's Profile

User Name: elizibathrose
First Name: Elizibath
Gender: Female
Location: United States
About Me
moved around so many times its not funny got friends all over the north and south wish i could get a hold of them all

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My Reviews

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Back In The Saddle
   Back In The Saddle
Rating: 5
11/17/2017 9:04:31 AM

I recently saw their ad on Facebook. So I decided to order a necklace. Eventually, I ordered and received it within described time. Necklace is beautiful and it was so easy to order as their website is so simple. I’ll keep ordering in the future.
New Balance
   New Balance
Rating: 5
8/13/2015 9:15:21 AM

Jogging has been my favorite pastime for so long and it has also helped to be in shape. Thanks to their fabulous varieties of shoes that have truly offered me with the best deals and thus ensuring that I get the best saving options.
Softball Rampage
   Softball Rampage
Rating: 5
7/10/2015 9:00:37 AM

Undoubtedly softball paradise!!! They have the best merchandise in the market and I can really buy their merchandise at the affordable price. Orders delivered timely.
Contour Living
   Contour Living
Rating: 5
3/27/2015 6:23:32 AM

I use to have back pain and then someone told me about the Contour Living back pain relief cushions. They proved very handy for me and they give me a lot of relief after the whole day hectic routine. Their shipping facility and discount by coupons are superb.
Bed Bath & Beyond
   Bed Bath & Beyond
Rating: 5
11/7/2014 12:42:07 PM

Their jewelry collections are stylish, contemporary and trendy. All their collections are available at economical prices due to their coupon codes. Thanks!!!

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