jillstein's Profile

User Name: jillstein
First Name: Jill
Gender: Female
Location: United States
About Me
I am a very confusing person. I don't like very many people, but I will be nice to everyone. I have no clue what I would do without my best friend, Paige

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My Reviews

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Zaycon Fresh
   Zaycon Fresh
Rating: 5
8/18/2017 7:17:07 AM

Finally, I found a place where I can buy food with ease not only at the most reasonable price but with 20% off too. I just bought a Wild Argentine Red Shrimp and amazed that they deliver the best and fresh food very quickly. Zaycon Fresh is the best place to buy food from.
Rating: 5
5/25/2016 6:58:42 AM

My mom always prefers to buy home appliances from Sears because she likes their shipping services. Last week I also visited their store but I only bought activewear and a Sears coupon code helped me to save extra $5 on my order.
Best Vet Care
   Best Vet Care
Rating: 5
5/25/2016 6:52:34 AM

I have a kitty cat in my home, and I love to spend time with my kitty. When it comes to pet supplies, I always purchase all the necessary supplies from Best Vet Care. The reason is that I always get free shipping and their safe & secure method just covers my whole problems.
Just My Size
   Just My Size
Rating: 5
5/11/2016 12:52:25 PM

Although I wasn't looking for plus size dresses but fortunately I saw a great deal at Just My Size, so I decided to buy one for my aunt, she always asks me about plus size shopping stores. I am going to the first Just my Size coupon from you. It would work for me for sure!
   DAZ 3D
Rating: 5
5/11/2016 9:44:39 AM

I really love their Genesis 2 Female collection, perfectly matching with my thoughts. I've just made a new account at DAZ 3D and started creating my own character. I haven't seen such an awe-inspiring technology ever before.

My Questions & Answers

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