tinagreen's Profile

User Name: tinagreen
First Name: Marie
Gender: Female
Location: United States
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My Reviews

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Paragon Sports
   Paragon Sports
Rating: 5
5/18/2016 6:16:22 AM

From my point of view, Paragon Sports is the best place to get women's sports clothing and equipment because I've purchased three times from this store and every time I get discount from them while the free shipping coupon is working perfectly.
Rating: 5
8/7/2015 1:50:14 PM

I can't sleep unless and until I have my arms around my favorite teddy bears and that is why, I love to have all teddy bears around my bed. I always love to order the best teddy bears from their store. I also save a lot on my shopping through their coupon codes.
Rating: 5
3/30/2015 5:13:18 AM

Nordstrom is my only choice for the purchase of apparels and accessories as they have the best collection so far at the most discounted prices which get even lower by using coupons. Their shipping facility is also very handy.
Vera Bradley
   Vera Bradley
Rating: 5
9/3/2014 1:43:02 PM

Buying the most fashionable handbags has never been that convenient as now because of Vera Bradley. Their stylish handbags are an essential part of my outfit. I saved a lot while using their coupon codes.
EDC Skincare
   EDC Skincare
Rating: 5
5/12/2014 1:32:01 PM

They offer the most reliable type of cosmetics. I always choose them for their products because of their economical prices and best quality.

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