lisaellis's Profile

User Name: lisaellis
First Name: Lisa
Gender: Female
Location: United States
About Me
I am from florida born and raised here. And well if you want to know about me talk to me.

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My Reviews

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Grad Shop
   Grad Shop
Rating: 5
11/2/2017 10:21:47 AM

Grad Shop always inspires me with their cap and gown packages. I needed to attend convocation recently as I just passed graduation, so I went their store and bought shiny black high school cap, gown and tassel. Received yesterday and happy with their fast shipping along with excellent customer services.
Rating: 5
10/24/2017 11:21:52 AM

Kiyonna has a wonderful collection of amazing stuff for women's who wear plus size. I purchased 2 dresses for my elder sister and got them at my home within time. Their customer services and fast shipping is amazing.
Rating: 5
10/13/2017 11:19:22 AM

HerRoom has the most trendiest collection as compared to the other stores. I was looking for a jacket and finally, I found it at HerRoom not only at comfortable price, but I saved my $25 too with their savvy coupons. Happy to have this experience.
Rating: 5
8/21/2017 10:52:26 AM

I was looking for professional editing services, and then I came to know about Scribendi. Their excellent services made me amazed. I can’t imagine how easy it could be. My recommendations are always for it. Thanks!
Rating: 5
5/16/2016 12:49:02 PM

I seriously didn't understand the concept of the word 23andme but after thorough study about their product, I found the real product that actually helps us to find out what our DNA says about our family. Amazing product - Great 23andme coupons. Thanks!

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