dancool's Profile

User Name: dancool
First Name: Dan
Gender: Male
Location: United States
About Me
I am much concious about fashion and saving money on buying new clothes and accessories. I love shopping online because it saves a lot of my precious time.

My Reviews

Stores:   (View All)
Famous Footwear
   Famous Footwear
Rating: 5
11/15/2017 11:28:35 AM

I recently purchased a pair of shoes from Famous Footwear. They arrived on time and seemed to be no problem. Their prices are cheaper than normal and customer services are excellent. It was a wonderful experience with no hassle.
Rating: 5
11/7/2017 11:38:22 AM

I have been using Aeropostale for over 2 years and never get disappointed. They have high-quality and fashionable stuff at affordable prices. Customer services are also wonderful and user-friendly.
Rating: 5
10/30/2017 12:59:33 PM

A few days ago, I purchased Abu Garcia X Casting Reel from Cabela’s and I am pretty much impressed with their fast shipping services and highly-qualified customer representatives. Received my product yesterday with no damage. And the product is as good as mentioned in the description.
Rating: 5
10/20/2017 12:41:24 PM

Eventually, I found a place where I can buy all the stuff related to soccer. Recently purchased a soccer ball and satisfied with their services.
Banners On The Cheap
   Banners On The Cheap
Rating: 5
5/4/2016 12:57:26 PM

I had been looking for this kind of website for 2 weeks, finally reached to Banners on the Cheap. I needed banners for my uncle's business but prices were too high, I am earnestly thankful to Banners On The Cheap because they helped to step into the new business world through their banners.

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