darrenjim's Profile

User Name: darrenjim
First Name: Darren
Gender: Female
Location: United States
About Me
Clothing and fashion accessories wherever and whenever I find, I try to get it as soon as possible. My hobbies are surfing internet, reading books and listening music.

My Reviews

Stores:   (View All)
Rating: 5
10/30/2017 12:54:49 PM

Finally, I have found the most significant and fantastic stuff collection at Walmart. 2 weeks ago, I ordered sleepwear, received a few days ago and amazed with their fast shipping and high-quality. Highly recommended to shop from.
Parts Geek
   Parts Geek
Rating: 5
10/20/2017 12:38:36 PM

I am not a regular customer of Parts Greek, but recently I bought wear and tear usage auto parts for my car and found it a perfect store to shop with no hassle. Now whenever I need to buy anything related to my car, my choice will always be Parts Greek.
Rating: 5
10/20/2017 10:57:50 AM

Never believe that such online retailers exist. Recently ordered a pant and received just now, amazing stuff and services too. Love to have this kind of shopping experience.
Tennis Express
   Tennis Express
Rating: 5
8/5/2016 10:35:58 AM

Customer service and care at Tennis Express is top notch. With such huge inventory and interesting products, one can get overwhelmed.
3V Gear
   3V Gear
Rating: 5
8/5/2016 10:28:59 AM

The quality of their products is really appreciable. I love their Bags collection because they have enough space available inside the bag to carry all the necessary products for the journey.

My Questions & Answers

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