kevinrock's Profile

User Name: kevinrock
First Name: Kevin
Gender: Male
Location: United States
About Me
I'm a sports loving person. I like to play basketball, baseball, tennis and swimming. I also like to buy latest sports equipment.

My Reviews

Stores:   (View All)
Goalie Monkey
   Goalie Monkey
Rating: 5
10/18/2017 7:59:21 AM

I just bought game wear and saved my $15 after using a coupon code. They have a vast collection of all equipment related to sports. My choice is only Goalie Monkey and always will be.
Spirit Halloween
   Spirit Halloween
Rating: 5
9/19/2017 9:36:05 AM

Spirit Halloween is always my first and foremost choice as they have a vast collection of costumes for almost everyone. Recently, I ordered Adult Bobble Head Evil Jester Costume. Received within time and quality is just amazing. Coupon helped me saved a lot too. Thank you for such an excellent collection.
Rating: 5
6/30/2015 5:45:10 AM

True saving always mean and I truly love them for this quality. The best part about them is that they offer saving in vast categories. Moreover, I am also thankful to Coupon Park for making the best coupons available.
Rating: 5
6/12/2015 5:56:13 AM

Since I was traveling out of the station, I had to find my mother a better phone to stay in touch with her throughout the journey. It's so easy to sell the old and purchase the new with Gazelle's widespread network. The new phones can be trusted because they are certified.
Bag Inc
   Bag Inc
Rating: 5
6/12/2015 5:52:18 AM

I was very short of gift ideas for valentines and then came to Bag Inc. Not only that my companion liked it, but it was also easy on my pocket. Thank you for the handy discounts and free shipping.

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