kristabass's Profile

User Name: kristabass
First Name: Krista
Gender: Female
Location: United States
About Me
I like food.;D!!

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My Reviews

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Rating: 5
10/31/2017 12:45:05 PM

Sorel offers the trendiest and fashionable jackets that keep me warm. Recently I bought moto down jacket and received just now. Overall it was a good shopping experience here at Sorel. Going to give them 5 stars.
Rods Western Palace
   Rods Western Palace
Rating: 5
10/31/2017 9:54:49 AM

I always want my showcase to be filled with trendiest jewelry and Rods Western Palace is the only place where I can find all the fashionable jewelry I want. They have a vast collection of jewelry items with a fantastic price range and also offering excellent customer services.
Rating: 5
5/11/2016 6:17:19 AM

Sears is simply unbeatable when it comes to purchasing quality home appliances. Why go anywhere else? Conversant, friendly people. Excellent customer service and most importantly beneficial discount through Sears coupon codes.
Time For Me Catalog
   Time For Me Catalog
Rating: 5
7/27/2015 1:22:36 PM

I feel like I could always stop by and visit their product range and get to know about the latest trends in the modern day. These coupons encourage me to shop even when I don't want to, but I somehow manage and make my purchases worthwhile.
Rating: 5
7/27/2015 1:15:28 PM

I recently got some books for my friend on behavioral health. They are very facilitating and caring in their addiction and mental health book programs which support prevention, intervention, assessment, treatment, and recovery. The patients usually like being supported by people all around them and why not books with lesser rates that attract people more towards getting recovered.

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