grace55's Profile

User Name: grace55
First Name: Grace
Gender: Female
About Me
I am always looking for something special for my boy friend. On every birthday and special event I like to give him a surprise.

My Reviews

Stores:   (View All)
National Business Furniture
   National Business Furniture
Rating: 5
11/2/2017 10:59:44 AM

I made a purchase of conference furniture at National Business Furniture a few days ago. With fast shipping services, they delivered all items on time with no damage. Also, saved $70 on my order with the help of fall sale coupon code.
Total Wireless
   Total Wireless
Rating: 5
10/20/2017 9:14:20 AM

Total Wireless is the best option to buy your favorite phone. I recently purchased a Samsung Galaxy phone for my younger brother. Received within 2 days through their overnight shipping. Just love it.
Champs Sports
   Champs Sports
Rating: 5
6/8/2016 6:12:32 AM

The best part I like about Champs Sports is that they have everything from clothing to shoes and accessories at a single store and the brands like Nike, Adidas & Reebok really attracted me towards their store.
Under Armour
   Under Armour
Rating: 5
5/25/2016 7:23:12 AM

It is really hard to find the best-fit athletic shoes when it comes to online shopping. But Under Armour really gave me a fine way to get rid of this problem. I found by best fit on this store and by signing up I saved shipping charges as well.
NBA Store
   NBA Store
Rating: 4
4/18/2016 7:53:48 AM

Busy, but made the time to buy gear for my cousin, he just loves NBA so I thought he would also love to wear his favorite team's gears. Would recommend to all. Great range of gear also.

My Questions & Answers

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