jamess59's Profile

User Name: jamess59
First Name: James
About Me
I have a small family and I love to give them all they need. I love my wife, daughter and son. My free time is devoted to them and I can't live without them ever.

My Reviews

Stores:   (View All)
Kiwi Crate
   Kiwi Crate
Rating: 5
11/17/2017 9:17:31 AM

I recently ordered preschool crafts. My order came with the missing item but they fixed it right away. Pretty happy with their services. Thanks Kiwi Crate!
Tax Audit Defense
   Tax Audit Defense
Rating: 5
11/14/2017 11:52:40 AM

A customer service provided by Tax Audit Defense was very satisfying. I thought it was good but in my opinion, it was excellent. Their service could’ve been a little bit better but still not bad. I am happy with the services I got from Tax Audit Defense.
Cost Plus World Market
   Cost Plus World Market
Rating: 5
11/10/2017 11:50:02 AM

My experience at Cost Plus World Market has always been superb. Pretty much happy with their exceptional customer services. Shopping is also fast as the product arrived on time. Thank you!
Deep Discount
   Deep Discount
Rating: 5
11/6/2017 9:34:41 AM

Deep Discount is the only place which keeps me updated about upcoming movies along with their release date. A few days ago, I bought a movie from there and saved 10% Off on my order by using coupon from this page. Good to have my money back in my bucket. Thank you!
Straight Talk
   Straight Talk
Rating: 5
8/17/2017 10:34:09 AM

I was about to buy a phone on installments, then one of my friends told me to buy it from Straight Talk. Their services are amazing, and the thing I liked the most is their auto-refill options. If I’m going to purchase a phone in future, my option will absolutely be Straight Talk.

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