pattyterry's Profile

User Name: pattyterry
First Name: Patricia
Gender: Female
Location: United States
About Me
I am a thick red-bone woman who loves spending time with my kids and going to church. I am not a club person at all. I am a more relaxed, laid back person who loves to have fun, and does not like to argue.

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My Reviews

Stores:   (View All)
Costume Super Center
   Costume Super Center
Rating: 5
9/21/2017 9:53:40 AM

I am pretty much satisfied with Costume Super Center customer services. That is why I always prefer to buy as not only for services but the collection is also amazing. Recently ordered holiday costume and received now. The product is as good as described.
Rating: 5
12/14/2016 6:16:52 AM

This store knows what their customers are looking for. I love their shoes collection. Their customer service is simply amazing; I couldn't honestly tell you how hard it is to find good customer service nowadays, typically when you are buying something from an online store. I’m satisfied with their prices, and the most important thing is ShoesPie coupon because I never forget to use a coupon before finalizing my order.
Rating: 5
7/5/2016 2:21:37 AM

Kohl's is the best one among all the online shopping stores for clothing. I'm one of the old customers of them and I always enjoy shopping at Kohl's.
Rating: 5
6/14/2016 6:47:37 AM

Mostly whenever I visit Groupon store I get to there with the latest Groupon coupon code because I never want to pay full price and using coupon is the only method that brings me to the extra savings.
Discount School Supply
   Discount School Supply
Rating: 5
6/13/2016 8:03:04 AM

From my point of view, Discount School Supply is the best place to buy furniture for classroom and classroom storage because they are offering great discount deals to their customers as I've recently got an advantage of Discount School Supply coupon.

My Questions & Answers

Questions:   (View All)
   • Can i combine coupons with other discounts?
long time ago - 1 answer

   • Can i use one coupon multiple times?
long time ago - 1 answer

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