smithjos's Profile

User Name: smithjos
First Name: Smith
Location: United States
About Me
Online shopping is a blessing for old aged people. I spend whole day surfing and browsing. I love my family who take care of me.

My Reviews

Stores:   (View All)
Build A Sign
   Build A Sign
Rating: 5
10/24/2017 10:25:54 AM

Build A Sign always helps me get rid of signs or banners problem as I can customize a banner the way I want with their amazing customization tools. Their artwork is highly appreciated and fast shipping makes my purchase hassle free.
Best of Vegas
   Best of Vegas
Rating: 5
4/29/2016 6:30:49 AM

From the next month, my family and I decided to go somewhere else for vacations and I've reserved a room in hotel trough Best of Vegas and got 40% discount on it.
Office Depot
   Office Depot
Rating: 5
4/20/2016 1:11:13 PM

I've recently ordered Art & Craft Paper from Office Depot, hope that I would get my order within 2-3 days as I've got earlier, also took advantage from their shipping offer and saved through the coupon given above.
Perfect Lens World
   Perfect Lens World
Rating: 5
7/23/2015 11:00:13 AM

Lens from marvelous brands and also exceptional varieties in different genres were once difficult to find. Thanks to the Perfect Lens World for being such an exceptional offerors of the quality lens.
ABC Mouse
   ABC Mouse
Rating: 5
6/24/2015 6:08:32 AM

Their course is specially designed for little minds and their nurturing. I order their online courses for my kids and save a lot by using their coupon codes. It has always been an economical bargain to order from them.

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