tinalilly's Profile

User Name: tinalilly
First Name: Tina
Gender: Female
Location: United States
About Me
I like to spend most of my time reading interesting books and watching movies. I love online shopping and I'm always in search of attractive deals.

My Reviews

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Gift Basket
   Gift Basket
Rating: 5
11/3/2017 10:01:00 AM

I bought cookies as a gift, arrived within time and packed nicely. Great gift baskets and will order again for sure. Highly recommended to give them a try.
Rating: 5
6/16/2016 6:58:43 AM

For the second time, I visited and made a purchase from Macys for summer essentials. I've got 40% off on my denim shorts and Crochet Shrug Cardigan via women's clearance section.
Rating: 5
5/30/2016 10:10:15 AM

I've come to Maurices just because of their shorts collection. I preferred their styles and designs. I've just joined their list and now I get all their exclusive offers right in my mail box. Took advantage from the first Maurices coupon code! Giving 5 Stars!
Home Chef
   Home Chef
Rating: 5
5/30/2016 9:57:59 AM

With new breakfasts, different dinner options, a fruit basket, and a fresh smoothie every week, Home Chef really has something to delight me and my family around the table. Almost every week I order something for dinner while their recipe can easily be understood. And simple gratitude to Home Chef coupons, this made me able to save my cash.
Rating: 5
5/4/2016 10:02:53 AM

Experienced and well-qualified beauty products, Sephora provides a quality of service I have yet to find anywhere else. Their facials leave your skin feeling fresh and lively and you'll go away armed with heaps of information on keeping it so! Their knowledge of the products they are selling also spots on.

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