grathjo's Profile

User Name: grathjo
First Name: Grath
Gender: Female
Location: Miami, Florida, United States
About Me
i am a fun loving person. love to laugh, be happy and encourage other people...

My Reviews

Stores:   (View All)
Pier 1
   Pier 1
Rating: 5
10/30/2017 10:38:40 AM

Recently I needed TV Stand for my LED, so I went to the Pier 1 Imports online store. They have a vast collection and different designs that can make any room more attractive. I bought one of them plus I used their 10% Off coupon and saved my $40 on it. Just wonderful!
Rating: 5
10/15/2015 11:25:39 AM

I bought some dresses and jeans a few days back from Yoox. I shop from here because they have a very trendy and fashionable clothing line. Their coupons are very helpful for saving money and shipping is also very fast.
The Perfume Spot
   The Perfume Spot
Rating: 5
3/18/2015 11:46:51 AM

I like perfumes and I have a fine collection of them. I used to buy them from The Perfume Spot as they are the best retailer of fragrances. Their shipping facility is also good and coupons saved much of my money.
Rating: 5
2/11/2015 12:48:45 PM

The activewear and dancewear are amazing and are the coolest options for fashion as well. Love to buy their fabulous quality products and save a lot on my purchases.
Hale Groves
   Hale Groves
Rating: 5
12/9/2014 5:26:31 AM

Their orders are delivered in nice packaging and awesome condition. Their gourmet gifts can be used for any kind of occasion and gift purpose. The taste of the fruit they deliver is fresh like it has been plucked now.

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