michealclark's Profile

User Name: michealclark
First Name: Micheal
Gender: Male
Location: United States
About Me
I'm still working on how I'm going to deal with my life but I'm doing fine. I love playing hockey and just try to make a good living for my self and my family.

My Reviews

Stores:   (View All)
LeftLane Sports
   LeftLane Sports
Rating: 5
6/29/2015 5:30:33 AM

All the iconic brands such as Adidas, Black Diamond and many more are available here at discounted prices. The best part of their store is that here not only the products are available at discounted prices but also their customer service is exceptional.
Zone Diet
   Zone Diet
Rating: 5
3/18/2015 11:53:11 AM

With the increasing age, wrinkles started appearing on my skin. That was a serious problem and I wanted some skin care product that could help me in that. And finally I found it on Zone Diet and my skin is far better now. Coupons are very helpful in saving money, I must say.
Rating: 5
2/11/2015 12:51:41 PM

The accessories available are of marvelous quality and prices are amazingly low. Moreover, the deals make it more economical for me.
Camping World
   Camping World
Rating: 5
12/9/2014 5:28:52 AM

I always order all my RV products from their store. They always make sure the swift delivery and the varieties available at their store cover all categories.
Parts Geek
   Parts Geek
Rating: 5
6/12/2014 12:52:39 PM

My number one choice for my car accessories and spare parts is Parts Geek. They offer the best type of these products and that also at economical prices.

My Questions & Answers

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