lizzyblake's Profile

User Name: lizzyblake
First Name: Lizzy
Gender: Female
Location: United States
About Me
I just love shopping. Collecting stylish shoes is my passion. Sometimes I like simplicity. Anyways, I have 2 pets a dog and a cat. Booking reading is my fav time pass.

My Reviews

Stores:   (View All)
SOL Organics
   SOL Organics
Rating: 5
10/26/2017 7:24:25 AM

Sol Organics has a vast collection of cotton pillowcases at the most reasonable prices. Recently I ordered pleated pillowcases, used $30 off and free shipping coupon and saved a bit amount. Highly recommended to shop.
Vera Bradley
   Vera Bradley
Rating: 5
10/18/2017 11:25:00 AM

The scarves on their store are the most trendiest and available at affordable prices. Hundreds of varieties are there to shop from. 2 weeks back I bought scarves for my younger sister. Very much satisfied with quality and services too.
EDC Skincare
   EDC Skincare
Rating: 5
5/4/2016 9:42:57 AM

What a wonderful find! I chose EDC Skincare based on the great reviews and so glad I did. Not only they are vivacious and lovely but also very generous with their time and attention towards their customers, which makes the whole experience a real treat.
Blank NYC
   Blank NYC
Rating: 5
5/28/2015 5:35:10 AM

Black NYC is a perfect brand that compliments my urban lifestyle. I recently shopped for a pair of skinny jeans which was delivered to me without any additional cost. Indeed a great utility with these coupons.
Rating: 5
1/2/2015 10:10:59 AM

Denim varieties are marvelous at their store and are latest and trendy. I love to buy unique collections and YOOX takes this wish of mine to the completion stage.

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