missycarl's Profile

User Name: missycarl
First Name: Missy
Gender: Female
Location: United States
About Me
I love shopping. I have a whole closet filled with shoes and dresses. My hobbies are singing, painting and making new friends.

My Reviews

Stores:   (View All)
Rating: 5
10/23/2014 1:55:48 PM

I bought charger for my iPod and it was of good quality. Moreover, with the help of their coupon, I was able to save money. Thanks!!
Carousel Checks
   Carousel Checks
Rating: 5
6/30/2014 6:27:48 AM

I always choose Carousel Checks whenever I need to order all type of stamps and related accessories. Quality of their stamps is fabulous and I save plenty of bucks while using their coupons.
Electrique Boutique
   Electrique Boutique
Rating: 5
5/28/2014 11:11:58 AM

I mostly order my club wear, sandals and accessories from them. Their amazing products give me a splendid look and are very economical as compared to other retailers.
Rating: 5
3/21/2013 8:29:18 AM

Aeropostale is a great place to shop. If you are looking for some extra discounts on your essentials then this is the best place for you. I use to shop for all my clothing needs from here and saved much more than any other store.
Rating: 5
3/21/2013 7:13:42 AM

I really like this store because they have really cool clothes in good prices. But the annoying thing is that not all of the clothes are presented on a model, so you can't see how it fit a person. On the other hand their delivery is very quick and quality is amazing.

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